food intolerance test review in Durham from Lisa.

So it’s took me a while to write this review but the information you get back is so in depth that it takes you a while to get through it all.
A few ladies have asked me about testing for food sensitivities and I had heard good things about John Neal so I decided to give it a go!

John has been in the business for years, he is a sweet quirky character and hugely knowledgeable. I went along to Imago Beauty and Holistics to see John, although as you can see from his booklet he is based all over the North East.

I went for the FULL testing which included food intolerance’s, airborne sensitives and also what I lack in vitamins and minerals, it costs £50. The test took about 45 mins and was completely pain free. It’s just a current that runs from your finger to a machine.

John inserts all sorts of vials into the machine and it gives him a reading and the information he needs to decide your tolerance. Whilst this was happening John was a fountain of knowledge offering health advice, so do ask questions if you have any concerns.

I was not surprised by my food results, people may be surprised to know that I am not a huge fan of chocolate so that would explain why it came out as sensitive, same with wine, I may drink it because of how it makes me feel but I’m not a huge fan. I was surprised at how many tolerances were actually things I do actually avoid.

One thing was very apparent, I have a massive vitamin and mineral shortage so plan to supplement this. All the information gets emailed to you after your appointment in more depth .

For my ladies who have been asking for this treatment, John is your man, he has a fabulous reputation and if you are serious about cutting out foods that you are sensitive to and supplementing what your deficient in you should feel a huge benefit.

Read Lisa’s full review or contact us to book your test today!